Attention Test

Found: 4
Fellate your blast

Nice and elementary erotic game made with 3D CG graphics and employing some interactive elements thet will let you to play with hot an dlsutty girlfriend who seems to be good enough for one thing only - to suck your big hard man rod! That`s right - there won`t be any story or dialogs to distract you sort the process and all that you will need to do is to choose one of available actions from the list in the upper part of game screen and to ensue the further instructions to make it happen. It`s possible to either make her to picture your dick or to play with your sack , to eat the whole shaft or to suck it nice and deep - each of these actions will provide you with delight (most of it`ll come from oral act obviously) and when it will get to the max you will be able to perform one messy popshot!

Attention Test
Found: 4