Cg Hentai

Found: 6
Dream Job Season 2: Gig 4

Are you ready to continue to meet your duties at the job of your desires? Then waste no more time and begin to play 4th sequence of the series which is this time known as``Time to get a new job!``. Previosuly you have managed to have an dialogue in the hotel with a help of a fairy (who is a sexy looking blonde with the way). The hotel manager (who is the sexy looking dark-haired milf by the way) has agreed to give you a chance to proove yourself. Now you will meet her in the morning and she will tell you about your tasks for today. Will you fail this job test or somehow you will find the way to keep all the girls around you sated? It is up to you to decide because like ahead of the story will go based on the choices that you will be making along the way.

Krynatria's Tales Redux

That is an Upgrade for Krynatria's Tales. Here you'll watch sex gigs along with other graphics. But here you will not observe any game-play or narrative line.

Cg Hentai
Found: 6