Fairy Tail

Found: 4
Living with Sasha

Terry and Sasha are having relationships for some time already but recently they seem to begin to fade. Why? Because Sasha is flirting with other guys! But Terry is not ready to give up yet so he has thirty days to bring back the romance and save thier relationship with Sasha... and ofcourse he is going to do that with your help. As a player you will be taking lots of decision for Terry through his attempts to attract back Sasha` love. But be careful - while one actions will make these two closer the other actions make ruin all your achievements in one second! So pay attention to five parameters (expecially for power and cash) and plan your actions you get and spend points that you indeed desire not only at the moment but in perspectiev on briniging Sasha on Terry`s good side also.

PokerPool 3

Poker or pool - what do you like to play today? Both of them? Superb! Since this is already thrid version of mixed up games where you can play poker in almost any style! You heard that right - while playing on the pool table and hitting the testicles your main task will be to hit only those nuts that will let you to get the highest poker combination! Your enemy will do the same and in case you`re going to happen to win the round that she (yep, your enemy is one hot looking and real erotic model!) Will flash you few truly sexy moves or may be even take off some of her clothes! Now flash her that you are either precise and lucky enough player and unclothe down this ultra-cutie totally (not that she will be wearing a lot of of clothes already in the beginning of this game but still)!

Fairy Tail
Found: 4